
Welcome to St. Anne's Shandon!

St. Anne’s is an inclusive church welcoming all, locals and visitors alike. Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone. We believe that God’s love, grace and mercy are for everybody–no matter who you are, where you’ve come from or what you’ve done.

Our worship is rooted in the Anglican/Episcopal tradition expressed in the Book of Common Prayer

Sunday services include readings from the bible, a sermon, hymns, prayers and Holy Communion (except the 3rd and 5th Sundays).

Whether you are new to Christianity, looking for a new church, burned by an old church, or just curious about Jesus Christ, we welcome you! Join us for worship Sundays at 10:15am.

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Our Faith

The Role of the Holy Scriptures in Our Faith


We are a Gospel-centred church which means the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is at the heart of all we believe. Those beliefs are summed up in the Church’s historic statements of faith: The Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.

We believe that the Holy Scriptures (or the Bible) is the story of God’s relationship with His people through the centuries. It is the record of God’s unconditional love for a broken and sinful world as revealed in Jesus. “For God so loved the Word that He gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” John 3:16-17

Anglicans accept the 66 canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the Word of God, “containing all things necessary for salvation.” The Church of Ireland considers the Apocrypha (ex: Ecclesiasticus, the Wisdom of Solomon and the books of the Maccabees) as worthy of reading by the Church ‘for example of life and instruction of manners’ but not for establishing doctrine.

About the Sacraments

St. Anne's Church Vision Statement

Whoever you are and where ever you are on your journey in faith you are welcome in this place

We are an inclusive Christian community in the Anglican tradition in the heart of Cork seeking to serve God, follow Christ, and change the world. Starting with ourselves.

We trust in the Spirit of God who opens up new and liberating ways to experience the love of God.

We are welcoming of both human experience and human diversity.

We are committed to using the Bible seriously, and seek to understand it in the light of that same experience and diversity, and of what this age knows and Biblical writers did not, and could not, know.

We are committed to a Church that conveys the Christian message in signs and symbols, especially in the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist.

We are committed to taking all people seriously – married and single people, gay and straight, those who have a natural faith and those who struggle with belief.

We are committed to identifying and affirming what is good and identifying and opposing what is evil, and living as best we can in the confusion in the middle.

Church Leadership

Rev. Meghan Farr

Priest-in-Charge of St. Anne's and Chaplain to St. Luke's Care Home

The Reverend Meghan Farr grew up in the Episcopal Church in Rhode Island and later Florida. She was active as a child and teenager in Sunday school, youth ministry and as an acolyte. While at the University of Florida studying history,

Meghan worked as an assistant youth minister at a local Episcopal Church. It was during this time she met her husband, Daniel, who was also studying history.

They were married in 2003. After graduation, they moved to Meghan’s hometown of Melbourne, Florida where she worked for several years in substance abuse prevention and treatment. Meghan and Daniel were active in their Episcopal church serving in various ministries.

Ann Dawkins


Jer O'Sullivan


Stephen Spillane


Shirley Rothwell


St. Anne’s is led by our Select Vestry who, along with the Priest-in-Charge and Wardens, take responsibility for the decision-making and day-today management of the parish. The Select Vestry are elected every year from the General Vestry–all registered lay members of the parish who are at least 18 years old. Contact us to find our more about becoming a member of St. Anne’s Church!